Creative Minds Look Like This…

Good day Beauties!  (Ironic that I call you guys that, right?)

(This is my first time doing a Blog… So bare with me I am hoping to get better at adding to this… I don’t know how much I will write on here. I will see how my progress is… and what I will talk about. So we will see.)

Well, let me introduce myself a little if you didn’t already know about this website and the current books that I published. My name is Sandra M. Dorazil. Throughout my childhood I have gone through enough nicknames.. first it was “Sandy” for the longest, and then 6th grade came around. I wanted to be a little different and so I started to spell my name “Sandi.” About a year later when I was in 7th grade I decided to spell it “Sandie.” It has been that way ever since. My Uncle (dad’s brother) started teasing me and started calling me “IE..” you know..?? The abbreviation for “example”..??? Which leads me to the fact that I want to be an example, and I want my writing to be an example that shows others of many different ages that I get it. I understand what it is like to be misunderstood or not feeling like a true importance in the world. I don’t hide anything back or sugar coat the truth. The truth is what it is.

I have published 2 books. The first one is a book of my poetry (“Misunderstood Soul: A Lost Cause”) from the very darkest parts of my life and soul. I don’t often like sharing it in mixed company…. you know like self promoting….? Many people don’t like reading darkish and uncomfortable things. They always like reading the happy sun shiny things. My life isn’t that way, and I don’t want to pretend that it is. Even though I have dealt with a darkish kind of life… I don’t want to take it away. I am not going to lie… I do complain about having a better life…. but in all honesty. My tragedy is my greatest inspiration! Weird to say, huh? It seems like I can write a more understanding piece when you throw unfair situations along the lines.

The second book is called “Green Beauty” (Which explains a little of my beginning intro to this post. ;-)) This book was a long life goal for myself. I came up with the concept of this book when I was about 13 years of age, and I never gave up on it. It was always on the back of my mind before I started any new projects. I made this one go through so many drafts and edits, and everything else in between. Each character is an important part to my story line. I don’t want to make any spoilers about it.. You have to read it for yourself to understand the concept. So I am very excited to have people read it, and tell me the best and worst parts of it…. or even if you make a different ending I am curious to know what you as the readers come up with!!

I will give a tiny spoiler of what is going on with me writing wise now.. I have about 3 projects on the works now. The first one project is the most important at the moment. I am currently working on a project that introduces a more specific outlook on my life. You may call it a memoir. It is like that, but in some aspects it a little bit different. It is more like telling the truth when it is believed to others as lies. So… we will see how it comes together. I don’t want to take a long time to finish it… if it is possible. I think about 2 years or so is a time limit.. The next project I won’t say too much about it, because I am still working on the kinks… but it has a lot to do with journal writing.. Which while I am working on the first project I am also working on the second one. The last project is still in the brainstorming phase. I told myself long ago if I was going to make a children’s book it was going to a series.. So.. that gives you a little insight..

Just so you are aware of I don’t only write. I do other creative things… I like to scrapbook when the project presents itself to me. I also enjoying water coloring. What I find interesting about that is that I love water coloring nature… but I always end up participating in it outside when the weather isn’t the best…and my pictures get a little ruined…but I do keep it hoping that people overlook the little mistakes… Now that I think about it maybe I should share my art work on here! Okay!… Will do! I just talked myself into it! (Haha!)

Showing artwork
“Pocket of Change”

That’s all I have to mention for today! I think I opened the door about me a little bit. Keep tabs to see my next entry! Until then..

Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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