“I Believe In A Thing Called Love”

Hello there Beauties,

This Blog is going to be shorter than my other ones… I think… Anyway.. this is a Sub Blog. In my last Blog I mentioned that I was going to write down the review of the books I read this year (From my New Year’s Resolution). I finished my first book of the year yesterday, and now I am going to share what I thought about it transferred over from my journal.


“I Believe In A Thing Called Love”
By: Maurene Goo
***1/2    (3  1/2 stars)

"Hello there Sunshines,
I am 1/12th done with my New Year's Resolution for this year. I finished reading my first book. From the list I gave the book I was suppose to read for the month of January was "I Believe In A Thing Called Love."

I am not exactly sure where to start when talking about this book. First and foremost that is important when reading a book is the structure of the book. The font size and the understanding of what is going on is top notch. I love easy reading books. When it is an easy read I am able to think about the characters and put myself in their position. Sometimes I think of the character in a real life situation. In this case I am able to pay close to what is happening and I put myself in the position as if I was a friend looking in. 

Now I gave this book 3 1/2 stars, because I was intrigued by the book. I wanted to know what was going to happen next. The problem with this book was that it took a long time for it to really get interesting. A good portion of the book was the main character, Desi Lee trying super hard to get a boyfriend. She never had the skills to talk to guys or flirt with them in general. She was a "flailure" in that department. (Which was putting flirting and failure together to get the results she does with guys which was a total disaster.)

She wanted to put a stop to these results every time she spoke to guys. One weekend she spent the whole time watching K dramas (Korean Dramas) with her dad. (Since her dad is obsessed with K dramas) When watching these dramas she decided to create the steps that she learned from the dramas to gather a boyfriend.

Desi is this super perfect student. Straight A's, athletic, many medals, and trophies... oh yeah and very brainy and lets that known in a normal conversation. 

She was inspired to go through with these steps when this heart throb artist with a noticeable beanie named Luca arrives. She as her friends Fiona and Wes to help her with planning Luca to like her and go out with her. With these steps a lot of dangerous events happen that made me very irked by the main character. 

First off, Desi the main character, I am not a fan of her. She is a girl that would drive me bonkers if I was friends with her in real life. She has this obsession to get a boyfriend at every cost. Through the goings on with this book I was so irritated by her choices. This crush on Luca is very dangerous. She put him in harms way without thinking about what she had done. If she cared about Luca she would stop with the steps to get a guy to like her the old fashion way.... by being HERSELF! For a smart girl she was oblivious to all of her wrong doings. She kept convincing herself that her manipulation is the way to go. Her friends didn't help to get her to stop. They stated a few opinions, but still thought it was okay to plan schemes. 

Moving on....

Luca was a pretty mysterious kind of guy. He did live on the edge for his art. What I found interesting about him was that he would spray paint over graffiti and made it more into artwork then the destruction that was already there prior. As the book goes along he opens up his heart and soul. He becomes a more sensitive person, and is very lovable. If I had to pick a favorite character from this book Luca is one of them. He has made smart choice within the book. The only one that I disagree with is to go back out with Desi. They broke up, because he found out about the secret list Desi made to get with him, and even knowing Desi planned every event (even the life and death ones), he took her back! What?! Why?? For goodness sake Desi even faked a drowning to get back with him? Are you kidding me?!

My other favorite character is Jae- Won (Desi's dad)! He is such a smart and calm character. I love his obsession with K dramas as well. (Since I am a fan of dramas myself.) Her dad is sensitive and understanding to Desi and the complications she is going through and givesher great advice. He is pretty much the perfect example of what a true dad should be.

 Fiona/Wes- Were okay characters. They are very outgoing kinds of people. They really made the reading experience a little more lively. They always said and did things at the right time. Though there were times where it seemed redundant when they were around. 

That's all I can mention about this book (and for today!).

Until next time!

Sandra M. Dorazil"

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