“The Sun Is Also A Star” And A Little Corona Talk

Hey Beauties,

I had a small issue occur within this month. Would I have originally been doing for my Resolution this year and take out the book I need at the moment from the library, and when I finished reading it I check out the next book. Since the libraries are closed, because of the virus I have to buy the books I needed. it was rather difficult, because I had to wait  a little more than the first week of the month to receive the book. I wanted to make sure I read it right away so I don’t fall behind. I finally finished it!


Before I start!::

I hope everyone is staying safe during this pandemic! When people are telling you to stay inside and away from people it isn’t to strip you from your freedom. People are saying that to make sure the you are safe, and the people around you. Take this time to think about all the important things in your life… Are the things you have been doing before this virus really that important? You can expand your horizons, and do things that are more practical. Do the things you never thought of doing…. You can gain a new perspective.

Look at me… I am reading more. I have always enjoyed reading, but gave it up because of a bad experience. Even though I have had a setback from going to the library for my books I chose another way to try to accomplish my goal. I didn’t give it up. Maybe that’s what everyone else has to do. Don’t give up your hobbies or goals… more like do those same things in a different way..????

Maybe by this people can gain a better perspective on things. From this virus maybe it’s teaching you not to take things for granted. I already know this lesson so well, because this lifestyle of being inside at all times is no different from my regular routine. I remind myself every day not to take things for granted. Respect the practical things, and open your mind to them. NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING…. Just saying…


Remember to stay safe!!!!!!!!!! Now back to my review!!


“The Sun Is Also A Star”

By: Nicola Yoon

*****     (5 stars)


Yay Sunshines,

I finally got the book for this month finished! I was waiting, and waiting, and WAITING for book to even arrive in the first place. When I did get it and started reading I had to take many breaks. (In a good way of course!)

I don't know where to begin!! There was so much involved in this book. I am not even sure I can go every thing that needs to be talked about. So the general concept of the book it talks about destiny, fate, and meant-to-be.

In this story everything is introduced in detail and steps. Every little choice that is made affects the other character. I really enjoyed that the author included that. It's not every day when you read books like this. 

Now from this fate/destiny concept I got many headaches while reading. I didn't mind it, because I was thinking about the choices, the characters, etc. I was trying to comprehend on top of comprehending. The author did a great job in adding people's opinions and facts with science and religion. It was almost like this whole book was a debate on what is true, what is fiction, what is expressed in religion. The author made sure she added every side of arguments into it. It was an unanimous debate.

I think with this book it is either going to be a book you hate or you love. Since it opens your ind so much it all depends. This also depends on how open you are as the reader to agree with her and all the points that are made.

For one thing, many people will make the argument that "love" at first sight doesn't exist at all. Personally, I think anything is possible. It all depends on how open you are. I think most of it is based on spiritualism  more than the science aspect of it.

What would have been nice if she would talk more about the spiritualism it will make a stronger side. I think when it comes to noticing others right away it is the spiritual connection. Like if you met the other person in another life it would be easier to find them in this life, because you are drawn to them by feeling. Though this concept is a little more explained than what I am saying.

Even though these are characters in a book, you can use them as an example that certain things work out the way they do. After all, the 2 main characters Natasha and Daniel always were fated together. They always found each other. Of all the people, events, and timing in the world that keeps them apart they will somehow find each other. I think it is possible. What people don't realize is that Deja Vu is very important in this concept. It is more than reliving something you think you did or will do. It is a window to what is supposed to be.


I do like the two characters of Daniel and Natasha. Yes, Natasha is the brainy one, and puts realism into her choices. Though she is the first one to be skeptic of things that aren't shown in front of her face. She has to plan everything. She is more of a planned individual. Where Daniel believes in all the possibilities. He just moves on whims then actually thinking things through.

For the two of them they each challenged each other from the areas that they are lacking. It is actually a refreshing relationship. I mean they have gone through all the struggles and happy memories within one day that you would normally experience in a relationship that has lasted for years.

There were a few things times where I had to remind myself that this is all happening in one day. This kind of thing wouldn't happen to me, but their souls have gone through so much more where it is possible that it can happen in real life. So I believe that it is possible. 

These 2 characters were such a joy to read. Daniel kept making me laugh while reading. He truly was the comic relief I needed while reading. I liked the fact that he was a poet, and had a strong love for writing. I can really get into a character when writing is involved. I would say that Daniel was my favorite character.....but I did like Natasha as well. I liked how real she was. She was blunt/honest about the things she said. She also is putting a place of realism into reality. Daniel was way way too much in the clouds. I adored them both as characters.

Though for one thing I didn't like how Natasha didn't mention about being deported to Daniel. Whether or not she had feelings for Daniel she should have said something. Natasha is blunt and honest about everything..... So why didn't she say anything? If she didn't have feelings she could have said it out loud so he could leave her alone... Not saying Daniel would have back down, but still....

Now back to the concept that I was mentioning before...I really enjoyed that they had science parts explaining about how things work in an analytical way. The thing I found really impressive was each person the main characters met or was talking about was talked about in the next part.

Nicola (author) brought in the security guard that was thinking about ending her life, and from a simple thank you from Natasha she made the choice to help herself. She also brought in the guy that almost hit Natasha and his back story, or the affair the attorney was having, or the reason why the subway conductor was talking about God.

The author did a fantastic job connecting everyone together. I really enjoyed that. (Even though I got a headache... I appreciate the hard work she did putting everything together.) I also liked the shortness of each chapter/part. Each part explained so much. She arranged the right amount of words together to explain so much in a little space. After all, it was an easy read book. My favorite type of reading/writing structure. It was so easy to love and appreciate the characters and writing style. I really can't think of anything wrong about it. After all, I loved it more than the possibility of hating it.

That's all for now!

Until the next time!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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