Misunderstood Soul: A Difficult Talk Podcast- NEW PODCAST

Hello there Beauties!
I have come to introduce a new project I started working on. I don’t know if it will take off or not, but it’s something new and different. I wanted to mention that at the end of July 2021 I started a new PODCAST! I created this podcast, because at first I was curious about what “making a podcast” was all about. The more I researched about it, watched YouTube videos, and read facts from books I realized that it was a simple kind of project that can open some new doors for me. By nature I am not really good at talking about or explaining things, that’s why I write. I feel like I can explain things with words on a piece of paper. So I decided to challenge myself.

In my particular podcast I bring up difficult topics. There are many difficult topics out there, and I bring up those topics with my own take or experiences with life. I bring up old poems, new poems, journal entries, etc and then go into the topics from there. I am always encouraging my audience to share with me their thoughts, feelings, own experiences through email: (miss.sandra29@yahoo.com)

I am starting this project from the FRESHEST OF FRESH! I record everything off my phone, then I edit to the BEST of my ability, and finally upload it through Simplecast ready for the audience to listen. I am waiting and saving up money so I can have a better microphone and other equipment so my new project will sound better. So right now it is not the best. I am working hard to make it better.

So if you have a chance check out my new podcast, enjoy, and participate if you could! I have weekly episodes! Stay tuned every Sunday at 5:00 am for the next topic or continuing parts of old topics!

New Podcast

You can find my podcast on www.simplecast.com other than that here are the other options:

My specific podcast on Simplecast:




Google Podcast:


Amazon Music:



Until the next time!

Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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