Hello there Beauties,

In my travels around the internet either for writing inspiration, looking up information about things, or finding entertainment I have discovered places that I am always looking forward to witness. There is one particular Youtuber I have been following for about a year now. I started to follow him when he would gather information about celebrities that were a part of Nickelodeon, and when he started making content about Britney Spears I have been following his content more and more.

The kind of person I see from his videos is someone that has a true heart of gold. He appreciates everyone and everything that comes in his life. he has a sensitive heart when people attack him, and it is hard to see him through his videos get emotional when trolls go after him. He is honest about what he goes through, and isn’t afraid to show his true self to the world. I have seen YouTubers be a fraction of the kind of person he is. He is a positive person, and I like seeing that as a person. I really find it hard that anyone can send him hate, because recently he has been receiving hate for his appearance.

Since he is such a positive, loving, and authentic individual I have sent some fan mail to him. In the middle of August 2021 he did a livestream, and confessed about that he uploads and edits his own videos it inspired me to share my self-published books with him. When he got my card, photo album, and books he was so appreciative of what he got from me. I was so happy that my package to him brightened up his day considering that he has been having a hard time that day.

From watching his videos I can really tell what kind of person he is, and how much work he puts making his content. He sacrifices a lot of his time and energy recording, and editing his videos. He deeply dives in getting information so he can inform his followers of what is going on with celebrities. I don’t know how he does it. I don’t know how he takes the time to make legit content.

So if you don’t know this Youtuber by now I must say look up Sloan! He is an amazing person and Youtuber that you can find!!






Until the next time!

Peace Out!
Sandra M. Dorazil

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