“The Deep End” (TV/Doc Series) (2022) Season 1 Episode 4 (FINAL)

Hello there my Beauties,

I have finally come to write about the FINAL episode of the limited doc series of “The Deep End.” I should have finished this post a long time ago. After all, the release of the episode came out on Hulu on the 9th of June. I have been a bit busy with crazy scheduling, tired in general, and I was waiting to see if there was more to the series. When I first started this journey of watching this series it was believed that there was six episodes for this season. Then when this episode came out it said that episode 4 was the last of the series. So I grew confused, and partly waited to see another episode will come out. Nothing came out. Though I am curious if there is actually 2 episodes made, but decided not to publish them due to bad feedback. I don’t know if that is true or not, but doing a little research about Teal and the tribe I got bits and parts that confesses that might be true.


I am going to type out this summary/review (sum-view) lol based on what I remember from the notes I wrote in my journal, so bare with me.


On to the final episode!

How to Watch The Deep End Series from Anywhere right now

Episode 4

“The Adversary”


The beginning of the episode it started out with the assemblies that Teal does with an assembly. I think she calls these assemblies a “workshop” for her tribe. To be quite honest, even though there is only 4 episodes for this series these scenes where it has Teal in these “workshops” easily bores me. I do remember waiting impatiently when this scene came up. I was waiting to see what else is going with this tribe that left me on a cliffhanger from the previous episode.

Right away after the redundant assembly the scene with the PI and Teal came to the surface. This scene was very intriguing to watch. I can tell that the PI had a difficult task in approaching the situation Teal about her tribe being a cult. The PI tried to be sensitive, but the conversation went south fast. Teal got very defensive when the PI started going through the list of the non-negotiables. Teal was denying and re-phrasing what she meant, and claimed she didn’t say any of the things that the PI was saying that that she said. From this interaction it confirmed to me really fast that Teal was trying to lie herself out of the negative light.

The one leader called Matias was the member to set up the PI in the first place, and from the uncomfortable line of questioning that Teal went through with the PI she mentions how she lost trust in him. I find this very sketchy that, because of this feeling of being nervous, frustrated, and uncomfortable she has to say that she loses trust. It tells you right there that she is quick to make a choice about people. It is almost like people can’t make mistakes or not having control over someone that doesn’t automatically agree. I was so upset by this. It makes me feel bad for Matias in this situation. Like he has control of what the PI found! Come on now! Seriously?! Get over yourself!


It comes over to Juliana and Teal alone in a room. Teal asks “Juliana, “What makes you want to go back to Germany?”

She then responds with, “What comes up is being alone.”

By seeing these scenes with Juliana from the previous episodes until now you really see the growth of things are taken place in this tribe. It almost seems like your identity is stripped down to an empty shell that only moves from direct orders from Teal. I just know if I was in Juliana’s position I would have been very resistant from the start and saying a few choice words Juliana is one of those people to observe and react to things in a quiet way. She has a strong power to resist, but holds on to her frustrations really well, even when she is being put in awkward and uncomfortable situation.

Which brings up what ends up happening at minute 10:53 of the episode. I was so angry when this scene came up. Juliana was ganged up by all the other members of Teal’s tribe and Teal herself. Teal brings up that there is an “energy” that is setting the wrong vibes. She talks about how she needs to change her ways while being in the tribe so she can fit in the mold. I have to say that this whole scene really made me angry. I felt so bad for Juliana. The other members were even saying their piece of what they thought why she was not fitting in. Even after all the of the negative heat she was getting from everyone Juliana kept strong to herself. She didn’t fight back by arguing or anything. She took it all in by the manipulation and emotional damage.

I really didn’t understand why they were picking on Juliana. What purpose did this serve?

  • Why do this?
  • To humiliate her?
  • Embarrass her?

The thing that really aggravated me was the fact that Teal had the nerve to use another manipulation tactic to ask Juliana if she thinks she is the victim, and pretty much saying how dare Juliana act like she is a victim. Juliana didn’t say or do anything. By being verbally attacked like this it was so uncalled for. Juliana is a victim for tolerating such abuse like this. I just couldn’t help, but being more and more angry.


It eventually passes over to a scene about Blake. See with Blake when all this stuff was going on with Juliana he stuck with Juliana. You can tell that Blake isn’t one person to start confrontation. He sits back and takes abuse in every way. So since he rather stick up for his wife than Teal. With doing this it indicates that Blake isn’t allowed to be in the tribe anymore. Teal continues to berate Blake over and over without Blake saying a word back. She ends up calling him “weak,” for making this choice. By the end of Teal’s long continuation of insults he still says that he loves her and gives her a hug.

There is this whole somber scene from Blake and Teal flipping back and forth about the departure of Blake from the tribe. Blake ends up making a post on Facebook about it, and received a lot of support for leaving. While Blake receives the support Teal gets aggravated by this and makes her comments outload with her current members. She talks about how “betrayed” she feels from Blake’s leaving, considering of the fact that Blake promised and ended up breaking his promise to never leave her.

It goes into another monologue saying that Blake meant everything to her. He was that stable ground for her. She never could trust anyone before she met him, and every relationship she had was because of the foundation Blake had with her. I just don’t understand why she insists on controlling him to this extent, and now she no longer has the control she has to play this victim role for the camera. I can’t feel sorry for her in this situation.


When Blake leaves she goes over this new contract with the inner circle. The whole contract is to ensure that Teal is safe and sound. Why is she the only one safe in this tribe? Safe from what? Safe from people telling her the truth that she is a fraud and cult leader, because she can’t handle being called on the carpet?


The PI gets reintroduced to the episode. She watches and references Teal and her tribe to the scene in Indiana Jones when packaging up the arc. She mentions that her prediction of how it will go for her once she submits her report. She knows for sure that it isn’t going to be a good situation. PI goes on to state that Teal buried herself into something of her own making. She says that Teal does things to please herself, and keeps doing that until she hardly can find things to please her. Teal becomes a prisoner in her own making.

I have to say that I really appreciate this whole journey with the PI. Like I said from the beginning that this PI is so smart, and even though she is nice she unravels the truth of everything. Normally in situations like this when there is a story of things they will side with the person that is the main topic of discussion. To see the realness of everything being unraveled like this was really a nice thing to see.


Going on from the PI it showed Blake and Juliana travelling to Germany. It showed that they were in  much happier space away from Teal. it was nice to see that they were able to have a happy ending of sorts from being part of a toxic like environment.

Juliana talked with her mom for a bit about what happened by being under the grasp of Teal. In so many words Juliana was trying to figure out what to do because she felt so alone and couldn’t fit in.


Another flip in a scene where Teal is yet again having another workshop. She asks the crowd if they are suffering from pain and suffering. The whole crowd raised their hand. I noticed something that was a little unsettling when this scene was taken place. Teal gave this smirk on stage. This particular smirk said so much to me. It said to me, “I have now a new group of people that I can take control over.”


I should give my rating on this doc/series. I just don’t know what to base it on. Should I even give it a rating like how I rate my books that I read? Well, if I had to do that I would give it….


(4 stars)


Rating 1-5 (1-not catching attention    –    5-catching full attention)

I pretty much have made me opinions known for this doc/series. You can tell that I am a total skeptic of Teal’s ways of doing things. I give it this rating one thing for sure is that I was constantly intrigued by this show. Since from the very beginning it made me think. I found it so intriguing, and not to mention sad that all of these people were well thoroughly convinced by what is being said and done. I was taken back so much that it made my brain go on overload. I was literally thinking about this show and the influence that was captivated. I thought about how I would react in these certain situations. I thought about how all the manipulation tactics that were used in order to pursue it. I just couldn’t wrap my head around how much control was taken place. It was a seriously a mind mess up for me. When I watch or read things like these you don’t know what to think or feel. All you know that it isn’t normal and what can be done.

I have never seen a doc/series like this in a while that stimulates so much debate and controversy.

I also have to say that I am glad that something like this was introduced to the world. Usually doc/series that take place are based on passed happenings. They literally brought to th surface something that is out there right now. There is no “based on true events” type of dealing. It is “this is the here and now.”

The reason I have it about to a 4 is that I know there is more that needs to be said. I feel like they didn’t finish up the series possibly by the hate or negative comments that are going around. I would have like to know it all. So much was shown and expressed already… so I am wondering what are they trying to hide? After all, when I first researched this it did say that there was 6 episodes. Something is off here…..


Until the next time!

(Sorry for the massive lateness on this!!!)

Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil



I bet you know what this is for right??!! Yes! My notes!!!

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