“Bridgerton” Season 1 Episode 2

Hello there my Beauties,

Now that I finished the doc/series, “The Deep End” it is now time to continue the “Bridgerton” episodes. (I actually started writing this review back when I wrote my notes down for it. I never got a chance to come back and continue. So here I am now.)


Suggestion made by:




Bridgerton - Rotten Tomatoes


Season 1: Episode 2

“Shock And Delight”

For this second episode I feel like I have a better feeling about how this show is going to be. Just because I get a feel about the show, doesn’t mean that I like the flow of it. I do have to say that watching this second episode was something else. I don’t have a definite feeling about it. There was some shockers when watching.


I have to say when it came to the beginning of the episode it was rather intense, because it starts off with a very cringe worthy birth. As I look closely to the scene at hand I realized that it was Duke’s mom giving birth to Duke. Duke’s father grew rather impatient. While his mother is in labor and everyone helping her is frantic Duke’s father kept asking, “What is it? What is it?” It is very understanding in this time period that a man that is in a high hierarchy is determined to have a son. It’s just that with the Duke’s father is a tough tyrant. What made it really intense for me is that as soon as Duke’s mother gave birth she died, and it didn’t seemed like his father even cared that she died. It almost seemed like she was there just to pop out his heir.

The show itself continues to move really fast from scene to scene.


It shows Daphne and the Duke in their fake relationship of “courting.” They make a huge show in a public park. While they are putting a big act of their courting it comes over to Penelope spreading rumors about her maid. She expresses that her one maid is pregnant, because of the talk she had with her prior about why she was pregnant. Considering of the fact the reason why she is pregnant is because she is in love.

Not only are the scenes moving to fast to me it seems like the dialogue is moving way too fast. Are the directors have a certain time crunch? If so, I can tell. It is almost like I am I am watching an episode of “Gilmore Girls.”


Daphne and Duke’s plan worked to the point where Daphne started getting suitors. She gathered enough where she can’t keep up with them. From this it upsets her brother. Her brother still insists on having Daphne marry Berbrooke.


During this episode there were many flashbacks that occur. After all, it started with the time when the Duke was born and then all the parts when he was growing up. With this flashback it showed when he was a little boy. Apparently, the Duke had a problem with knowing how to talk. With his talking issue it resulted him to also have a stuttering issue. Since he had an issue like this his father had little to nothing to do with him. He often insulted him, and called him a “half-wit” for being different. It was strongly mentioned that with the name like “Hastings” it is a strong name that has a meaning to it there should never have a “half wit” family member.


The scene with Penelope spreading rumors of her maid goes on. It was a very weird transition. The transition didn’t really make sense to me. With this transition from scene to scene it is still driving me nuts. By this time it is becoming more difficult to keep up with each scandal from the next.


I have noticed that pretty much was this episode is about was mainly flashbacks of the Duke. Honestly this episode should have been flashbacks and only flashbacks of the Duke. It will make morse sense to what is going on instead of flipping back and forth to unimportant scenes of present day rumors being spread and such. At any rate, in this flashback the Duke and his mom’s best friend defends his honor against his dad and teaches him to command a room he walks in and teaching him how to speak properly.


The show flashes to another scene with everyone at the Ball. Between Daphne and the Duke they were trying to show the public about their courting in public in more than one occasion. Daphne’s brother was still pushing the unbelievable marriage that he wants Daphne to participate in. Eventually it was pushed for the Duke to spill everything that happened with Berbrooke and it caused to make huge scene in front of everyone. Berbrooke decided to cause more trouble by following the Duke outside of the party. Berbrooke insulted Daphne’s honor and expressed that he only wants the marriage to happen, because he needs their money. From the confession from him caused the Duke to stand up for Daphne. I found it rather interesting that the Duke went that far. Apparently there are real feelings of a sort, because why else would he do that?

Berbrooke continued to rattle on, and insult the Duke himself. He said how much the Duke’s father wanted a son so desperately. He said that he was a patched up scandal of a poor lack of judgement. from mentioning this it triggered something in the Duke, and caused him to beat up Berbrooke by hitting him repeatedly.


Another flashback arrived, and it was showing how much of an improvement Duke had from the beginning. Duke’s dad still insists that his son is super useless just like his mother.


It came to the present day with Berbrooke again returning to cause more trouble. He came to the picnic and threatened his way in marrying Daphne in 3 days time.


In this episode there was a lot of going back and forth. A lot of the scenes really didn’t have a solid importance that would make sense to the present issues that were happening. I mean there is a a huge back and forth about how servants like to gossip, and with that knowledge of gossip that there is another lady Berbrooke had that is pregnant with his child, and it is kept quiet. Once that information comes out it is spread throughout the whole town. After all, Whistledown’s Newsletter helps in ratting out that sense of gossip.


At this new Ball Daphne and the Duke go to they have a better understanding of each other, and a sense of respect. After all, they agreed to start calling each other by their first names. The two talk a bit about their goals, and learn that Daphne wants to be married and have children, and the Duke is determined to help Daphne find that fairytale ending she wants. Another suitor come up to dance with Daphne and from afar the Duke gazes upon Daphne. The gaze is an obvious look of interest.


The last and final scene is the scene that made me understand the relationship between the Duke and his father a lot more. All the Duke’s life he has been insulted and abused by his father. The Duke has tried throughout his childhood to have that acceptance from his father, but the Duke has the upper hand in this case. Duke’s father is on his death bed gasping for air. His father expresses that he wants the Duke to marry to continue his proud name of “Hastings,” but the Duke didn’t want to deal with that. He mentions to him that the line ends with him. He doesn’t want to marry. With that final wording from the Duke it causes his father to die with that tragic thought of the line ending with him from the constant abuse from his childhood.


Until the next episode!

Sandra M. Dorazil

Peace Out!


P.S. Here are my notes!



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