“Museum Of Magic” Book Review

Hello Beauties,

It is now time to review my January book. I finished reading “Museum Of Magic” By: Beth Revis yesterday, and it is time to review.

“Museum Of Magic”

By: Beth Revis

*** (3 Stars)

So before I review the book itself I want to mention that there was this small story book I read before I read the book. It was about 30 pages long explaining a small journey between one of the main characters of the main book called "Puck," and the other main character's ancestor. This small story was titled, "A Map Of The World." It expressed some important factors which can make it easier when reading the main "Museum Of Magic" book. For one thing, it explains that "Puck" is one of many magical creatures that are called "The Fae." For one thing that was clearly expressed was that as humans... WE CAN'T TRUST THEM. Since the fae are magical creatures and they like pulling tricks and speaking in riddles. Also they are not as personal as us humans are like for us to "being nice" to our fellow man... They believe in paying each other back in debt. THEY ALWAYS PAY BACK THEIR DEBT. It is always a transaction. In this small story it also says that this character "Puck" is a Brownie. Brownies are the creatures that always want a home. That is their MO pretty much. The fae also didn't have names like we humans do. Humans/witches give fae names sometimes to imprison them. (Which kind of happened to Puck... but that was mentioned in the actual book more so then the small story.)
Besides the fae it talks about Elspeth Castor who was a witch, and was running away from witch hunters. When she met this fae Brownie together they traveled in portals from time period to time period, and environments. 

The main characters in "Museum Of Magic" is "Puck" and Emmi Castor. The journey with these two begins with Elspeth's magic witch bottle breaks. The particular bottle was created to protect the Castor household, and the Castors itself. So as soon as this bottle breaks this fae Puck arrives into the household. (It is revealed later that Puck was trapped in the bottle by Emmi's ancestor). There was also a pretty big enough battle between Puck and this fae hunter of sorts. Right around the same time this scene was happening it was expressed that Emmi is this young adult... (I believe still in high school of sorts. Like around 17 years old.) Is by herself in this museum. See Emmi's family owns this museum, since their ancestor was a witch, they are surrounded by hundreds of years of history and folktales that were created over time. 
Emmi lives with her grandfather, but he is far away searching for more information about their family legacy and so on. Quite honestly I don't understand what the motive was for her grandfather to kind of leave to search more information. It was mentioned in the book, but I really couldn't understand why and why now. As time went on Emmi realized that her grandfather not coming back soon was a red flag of danger for her. He didn't post anything on his social media or responding to her emergency texts. It was also revealed that the reason why he didn't respond back was because he was captured by the fae.

Now with this book in general there was so much happening that I feel that if I mention it all it will take away the whole point of the book. The main thing to understand was that since the witch bottle was broken it took her and her new fae companion, Puck to travel through portals to collect objects together to make a new witch bottle of protection. When it came to the history of things I did grow a little confused, and confused on why certain objects were taken to help create the new witch bottle. Maybe it is because history isn't a strong suit for me... or maybe it was based on how the history was introduced.. Nevertheless, it was a little much when talking about the history of the past.

I have to say that I was really enjoying Puck as a character. Puck started off a little too harsh at times, and a little sneaky... but as a fae he really improved that you wouldn't be able to tell that he was fae. He was almost human... (Shhh. Don't tell him I said that) One thing that I know for sure that makes him more human than fae was his ability to find someone to love. Now.. it is my perception.. It was never mentioned in the book. It was just how he acted towards things. He and Emmi became really close really fast. Emmi was always willing to have an open ear when it came to history of how the fae was being mistreated by humans and witches like Elspeth alike. He really helped Emmi understand a lot and protected her when she was in danger. Even though he kind of is forced to do it.. I think if he didn't have to do it he still would have helped her. Whenever Emmi would go in her thoughts, Puck would just gaze at her in astonishment. Even when he was freed by Emmi to no longer be bound to her house, he still came back to her house worrying about her, since he was still enslaved by someone else. 

Emmi as a character isn't one of my favorites. For a girl that is really into history, and understanding where things are she is very oblivious on how to handle things. Puck would remind Emmi of things, and she put everything aside just to find and free her grandfather. Even though she gained such strength with Puck that was thrown to the waist side. Even though she thought things through as the journey continued it seemed by the end she didn't learn a thing. By the end when she essentially traded everything for her grandfather it ends with it saying that she was tricked and her place is hexed. I thought it was weird that how her grandfather acted liked everything was okay, and knocked on the door like he was a stranger in their house. She took that at face value. She really derailed as a character instead of trying to hone in her magic ability and help save Puck and her grandfather without doing the unthinkable. Her whole thing was about being "alone." Such a needy character in my opinion I would think that the love and caring she had for Puck and her grandfather would be enough for her to overcome the "alone" feeling she had.

I gave this story three stars as a review. I did like how nice flowing the story was. I also like that each chapter was the name of a tarot card with phrases. Sometimes the phrases used didn't really explain the chapter very well... but the concept was an interesting one. It started off a little slow for me, but after a few chapters since the struggling between each character and how those characters came together it made my reading experience relatively a nice one. It was an a-okay book to read generally. I mean I know I have read some books whether it is "magical" or "fantasy" wise... but generally those kind of books really don't interest me. This one was okay.

Though the storyline at times wasn't enough for me to say that it was OUTSTANDING. There were so much more than could have been added alongside to keep my interest. I expected more, and I got less so to speak. I think that the ending was a bit rushed. It is hard for me to believe that being so close to finishing the bottle that Emmi would forget about Puck altogether. After all, even though Puck was taken away they could still communicate through her dreams. 

That's all for now!
Peace Out!
Sandra M.Dorazil

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