“A Totally Awkward Love Story” And More Books!!

Hey Beauties,

A few days ago I finished my May book. I couldn’t post about it when I finished it, because I was having internet troubles. Now that I have internet I can post my review on it. Right now I want to mention something. It is amazing so far for my New Year’s Resolution that I have come across a huge list of books that I really want to read. I created a Goodreads account to organize my list of books. I have included books I already read in the past, what I am reading now, and ones I want to read. Since creating this account I have exactly 162 books in my queue.

I have so many added that I can read in the near future. I am trying not to let other books get in a way of what I am supposed to read. Quite honestly within the last month and this one… I was reading between 3 books. I am trying not to do that, because I will be wrapped in one book more than the other that I am supposed to get done, and then my emotions are all over the place. Also what happens is that I forget what happened in this book, and I already put a big dent in it where I can’t restart it.

At any rate there are 3 books I really want to read at the moment that is peaking my interest.

I learned that Jay Manuel’s novel is supposed to be published in August of 2020, and I plan on pre-ordering it! It was pretty much mentioned that it was set up as how ANTM was set up, and he includes his thoughts, feelings, and experiences of ANTM in it. There was some stuff that went on that many people didn’t know about whether it was about certain “contestants” or just how things ran behind the scenes. So I really want to read it! I want to know how his writing tactic is and such.

I am one of many that wants to read about the start of President Snow’s reign. I read comments from people on certain sites about how they aren’t interested in President Snow. I am!!!!!!!! Obviously, something had to happen in his past for him to turn out the way everyone knows. I started reading the trilogy of “The Hunger Games” for the first time now. (Yup. I am late in the game… but I don’t like reading the same book everyone else is at the same time. I feel pressured to be a fast reader… which I am not.)  I already pre-ordered this book back in January. So I am excited that the book will come out soon!!

With the whole aspect of “Bird Box,” I didn’t even know it was a book series. I saw the movie on Netflix, and it blew my mind. Knowing that it is a series I am determined to read the “Bird Box” book, and read the second book to the trilogy.



Anyway moving on to the book for the month of May!!!


“A Totally Awkward Love Story”

By: Tom Ellen and Lucy Ivison

****  (4 stars)

Hey Sunshines,

I have finished reading the book I was supposed to read. It was a rather interesting read. Weirdly, enough I enjoyed it, whereas I can't say that about other readers. I skimmed some reviews and there are a lot of people saying how bad it was.

To start off this book isn't a book that you can share with just anyone. You have to be old enough and mature enough to handle the details that are expressed in the book. The main concept is about the main characters Sam and Hannah going though the trials of losing their virginity. They go from one being involved with someone, to meeting each other, to each of them meeting a distraction, to them with each other, to a complication tearing them apart, to coming together and accomplishing their goal together.

I did give it 4 stars, because it did keep me intrigued from start to finish. Although the drama was a little too overwhelming at times. There were times where I had to try to keep up. For one thing, I was pretty overwhelmed in the beginning. I was trying to keep tabs on each of he characters. To be quite honest, I am still fuzzy on the characters and what they are about. It was mostly the supporting characters that got me all confused.

The whole list of characters are Sam, Hannah, (which are the main characters), Grace, Tilly, Stella, (Who are the friends of Hannah), partially Freddie, (Hannah's "boyfriend" of some sorts), Robin, Chris, (Sam's friends), Charlie, Pax, Casper, Miranda "Panda", Ollie, and a few more. (Those are the main ones pretty mentioned)

Now a lot of people that read and wrote reviews talk about how the main characters were talking about their virginity. They were mentioning it over and over about losing it, and with who, etc, etc. Honestly, it didn't bother me as it did to others. After all, this whole concept is a huge deal with teenagers these days. They feel that pressure to sleep with someone to check it off their list to fit in society. What I know about being a teenager is that your issues are magnified and you repeat it over and over. You want that drastic change to happen. You don't want to stick out, so I can sympathize with the main characters and their struggles. Yes, it was much at times, but it kept me intrigues for sure. I wanted to know what was going to happen and if the main characters were going to end up with each other.

A character I couldn't stand was Stella. She was a self absorbed kind of girl. As Pax said she was pretty "intense," and she was. She hooked up with everyone and anything. She has no sense of boundaries. She would do things on a whim. She bugged me! I was waiting for Hannah to set her straight. Hannah eventually did by the end of the book.

Between Hannah and Sam they were both insecure. It was really relatable to see. A lot of times attractive people don't see how attractive they are. They each thought the other was better without the other. I can understand the thought process. With the insecurity they shared it made them stay humble.

Though Though I wish Hannah stood up for herself more. She let her friend Stella walk all over her. There were times where I was so frustrated with her character. Even when it came to contacting Sam she didn't even try, I felt.

No offense, but I thought Sam had stronger feelings for her than she did for him. It always seemed like he was willing to do and say whatever to be with her. He obviously thought about her ALL THE TIME. Hannah only started being like that near the end of the book. Though how they were connecting with each other it was nice. They were obviously made for each other. They are so comfortable with each other. I did like how much this story was forgiving to give them a second and third chance to find each other.

I have to say that I do have a favorite character. I really liked Casper. He was the character that stood out the most for not having a huge role in the story line. He was really point blank in giving advice to Hannah. He was super easy to talk to, and when he spoke he didn't filter what he thinks and feels. I really like that about his character.

That's all for now!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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