“Bridgerton” Season 1 Episode 1

Hello there Beauties,


First and foremost: I didn’t realize that “Bridgerton” was based on a book starting from as early as 2000. So what opinions I might say (write) is based on the show itself NOT THE BOOK.

Second: I am writing the viewpoints based on not watching the show at all. Opinions are based on watching it firsthand and getting that first impression.

Third: I won’t give an overall rating until I finish the season (If I decide to finish the season).


Suggestion made by:




Bridgerton - Rotten Tomatoes


Season 1: Episode 1

“Diamond Of The First Water”

I will be honest first before I even get started about this first episode of “Bridgerton.” I originally didn’t want to watch this show. I had many thoughts to why I didn’t want to watch it. One thing in particular is that when it comes to “old-timey” shows or movies I take it rather seriously. Probably more serious than anything else I watch. The reason why is because it is a time period that is WAY before any of us were born, with that being said things can’t be the same. Modern times and old times have a different way of doing and saying things so therefore directors and producers have to  be extra careful how they produce things.

Maybe it is because I am used to 1980- 1990’s or even early 2000’s way of doing things that make me very skeptical to believe that someone can make a well put together old timey show or movie without making a few mistakes.  So it shouldn’t be surprising if I mention my opinions about those points.


This episode I have to admit was a little difficult to follow at first. Within the very first 3 minutes I was trying to understand. It took me the longest to figure out how each character is important, and the names of each character. I learned that Daphne is the name of the main character that is trying to find a suitor for marriage. She is a Bridgerton so that means that she is rich and that name is the biggest and most respected in society. The family of Bridgerton is a big family of siblings. If I am not mistaken it is 7 siblings.

The eldest brother is named Anthony. He is a womanizer kind of guy, because all the scenes that are showing him without being with his sister to help with a suitor he is having intimacies with women. It was explained that he has this mistress, which she was seen in 2 scenes. Though in the very beginning it showed him having intimacies with another respectable woman in the middle of daylight outside. I am not sure who this woman is, but she is staying with the Featherings (sp?) Family. At the end of the episode it was nudged to the audience that she might be pregnant since she hasn’t menstruated.

Another character that I know of is Penelope. Penelope is this awkward looking, and a little more on the husky side of things in terms of the respectable size a woman should be. I can tell that she is very insecure of her standings with people as well as her body. I can tell that that she has her eye on one of the other Bridgerton brothers if I am not mistaken. Just watching her makes me feel awkward to be quite honest.

The Duke of Henning (I believe) is another character that stands out. He seems like a stuck up kind of guy. The main claim throughout the first episode is up is that the Duke doesn’t wish to marry anyone. I don’t know if this guy is trying to give off “Mr. Darcy vibes,” if he is I have to say that Mr. Darcy does it way better.

Now this Lady Whistledown lady that is narrated by Julie Andrews is a pretty interesting spin on the show. The article or pamphlet that gets handed out throughout the society is from this mysterious lady. This Lady knows all the latest gossip between everyone. It is an old timey way of texting/group chat… and weirdly enough it is giving me “Pretty Little Liars” vibe. Everyone goes by what she writes in this article of sorts, and doesn’t want their gossip passed around to the general public.


Besides that the whole point of this episode is for Daphne to find a respectable suitor. Since Daphne and Anthony’s father has passed on it is Anthony’s responsibility to find a suitor for her. The process of the episode Anthony kept scaring away all of the suitors where all the suitors where scared to even approach her. There was this suitor that was at least 10 years her Senior that became interested in her named Lord Berbrooke. It is quite clear that this Lord freaks her out, and almost follows her around for her attention. Every chance Daphne has to get away from him she does. Since Anthony had an argument with his mom about not finding a suitor for Daphne he agreed that this Berbrooke Lord was to wed Daphne without letting her know.

It wasn’t until the end of the episode where the Duke and Daphne decided to have a “fake” attachment with each other, considering of the fact that Daphne was getting a bad reputation for not having suitors and the Duke was getting annoyed by his mom and other young ladies to get his attention so he can finally settle down with someone.

One note that I would like to mention is that I don’t think this “fake attachment” is going to last for long. Ever since the first meeting with the Duke and Daphne they each had a glimmer in their eye. I think the Duke more so has feelings for Daphne. Between the 2 of them they have this foreplay thing going on. I have to say that their foreplay interactions in this episode was the only interesting and entertaining thing in this episode over anything else that is going on. It does remind me of how Lizzie and Mr. Darcy are in the beginning of their relationship from Pride and Prejudice. Did anyone else notice that?


A few things I was thinking about during this episode::

  • How is it possible to have high end people that are African American?

I understand that they want to have diversity in shows and movies, but if it is supposed to be the year 1813 it is hard for me to believe that African Americans are in high ranks of society. (I am not trying to insult.. It is more like wanting this to be authentic)

  • The narrating by Lady Whistledown is useful to the audience watching the show, but it is rather annoying in other parts. (I am 50/50 on that.)
  • In addition to the narrating/ article writing from Lady Whistledown, how is it possible? During those times women couldn’t publish anything. I don’t know if it is because she is a rich, high end Lady she is able to publish this pamphlet/article…. but even with that women really didn’t have a voice on anything let alone have anyone care of a women’s opinion or gossip.. since women are below men in every way.
  • The lighting in this doesn’t seem pretty authentic. It seems a little too bright. I get it that the Bridgertons are high end people, but still it seems too bright for this time period.
  • On top of the bright lighting, what about some of the costumes? I get that rich individuals are able to pay for colorful outfits, but somehow how the costumes were put together and how the characters act between scenes the shows seems like a parody or a joke. It is a joke on how the olden times were, and I don’t like that very much.
  • It is an interesting point of view that they are taking the perspective on rich society.


I am still not finding an enjoyment as many people do from this first episode. Maybe I need to watch the rest of the episodes to have a better perspective. Besides the banter between the Duke and Daphne and the punch in the face Daphne threw the rest of the episode is pretty confusing, unentertaining, not believable, and boring show for me to watch. I can give it more of a chance by watching more. I might finish it up since I started it. I guess we will see if I decide to finish it if I post other post or not.


Until next time!

Sandra M. Dorazil

Peace Out!


P.S. Here are my notes from this first episode!



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