“Foolish Hearts”

Hey Beauties,

I have been busy keeping up with my writing, and reading that I haven’t had the time to write a post. Speaking of which here is the next review on the next book I read for my Resolution. Yes, I have been keeping up with it.


“Foolish Hearts”

By: Emma Mills

**1/2     (2  1/2 stars)

"Hey Sunshines,
I kept my determination going with my New Year's Resolution. I hit a bit of a bump, but I managed to get over it and continue along.

It is now the second book I have to read for my Resolution list, and the book didn't do too much for me. It is also another book where I don't like the main character. The reason why I don't like this main character is because throughout the whole story I kept asking myself, "Who is she as a person?"

Before I can talk about the characters, I should talk about the book as a whole. The whole structure of the book was (I felt) all over the place. I mean the pace of it was the way I like, but the transitions of settings were all put together. A few times I had to go back to make sure I am following along correctly.

Besides the transitions the whole main setting of mostly being part of a play with a few classmates were lacking in the concept department. For the first half of the book I was extremely bored. I literally was forcing myself to get through it. As each page I flip I keep thinking that it might get better. Toward the end of the book it did get a bit better, but then something else happened as well.

I felt by the end the author was just making the descriptions and character thoughts rushed. It moved to this setting to this one, and there was no point of that. For big portions the main character was playing this magical video game with her siblings and new batch of friends. I never could understand why she got so interested in it in the first place. The same video games was the one her ex boyfriend played when he broke up with her. I never could understand why she became obsessed with it. 

Okay now we can get back to the characters....

Claudia the main character.... all I really know about her is that she is smart with a hint of sarcasm. This is about it. How she explains things or what she does, she is boring. I can't tell if she likes things or she is doing this for the other characters. She doesn't go into her feelings in detail. It is obvious that she is open-minded, but it just seems like she doesn't have a real opinion about anything. She gathered some what of a personality once again towards the end of the book. I just don't have much to say about her, because she was so bland that I couldn't follow her and grow with her.

Gideon was like the comic relief in the book. The first impression I had of him was that he was a playboy. It just seemed to me that he liked the ladies very much. As his story was being unfolded I realized that he is a very accepting and loving individual. He has a childlike innocence about him. It was kind of nice to see him come through the page here and there. Though it seemed like he was the background person. He would show himself than fade in the background a bit. I am not sure if that was the author's intention, but I didn't like that. Gideon was the only interesting character that I kind of enjoyed.

The whole Iris and Paige situation was an interesting twist. They had a nasty break-up. It was because Iris was being selfish and saying all the wrong things. It didn't help her cause when she did this to others. She didn't have any friends because of it. Though she did gain a friendship with Claudia and her selfishness was draining bit by bit. It helped Iris become a better person. There were times where I liked Iris' bluntness, but other times it was a little much. I am kind of 50/50 with her. 

Zoe didn't do much for me. She was there when Claudia needed someone to talk to or play a game with. Just like Gideon she was just there in the background. The only cause of drama she has when Claudia find out that Zoe and her older brother Alex were dating. Claudia didn't take that very well. I honestly didn't see how Alex and Zoe were together, but they find each other wonderful. It would have been nice to have Zoe more involved with what was going on.

That's all for today!

Sandra M. Dorazil"

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