Giving Up

Hello there Beauties,

I have been thinking about something that people have said is a negative thing. That particular negative thing that I am thinking about is the fact of “giving up.” When everyone hears “giving up” they look down upon the person, and think that they are in a negative mindset. I never really understood their reasoning. Automatically it is a bad thing? Why is that?

I haven’t lived the most promising positive life…. I mean “yes” I took the whole aspect of “giving up” on things to the next extreme level. I am not going to lie. For about 95% of my life “giving up” was my only option, because I would ask myself, “Why bother trying?” It was mainly, because no one saw what I saw, and nor did anyone want to understand what I saw. After all, compared to the rest of society I am the abnormal one. So why would they waste the time to see a different path way when they are so sure that their path way is the right way for them? Although I don’t think that reasoning helped them see the possibilities and opportunities of other things. Which is a total shame! Other thought processes can help them grow as individuals….. but anyway back to the main topic.

How I see “giving up” is different. For one thing, “giving up” is deciding a path that doesn’t suit you. Everyone knows that the only way you you truly understand something and feel passionately about it is if you experienced it for yourself. If it is seen from a TV screen it is super easy to say, “Oh yeah I can do that with hands tied behind my back.” Then when it is your turn to actually do the task it is a challenge and you don’t want to get out of your comfort zone. It has happened to me in several situations, and I know it has happened to everyone at least once or twice in their lives. So when it gives you overwhelming challenges that you can’t handle, and you decide to “give up” on it does that make you a bad person? Does it mean you are negative person hurdling for depression since you “gave up” on it? Sounds silly, right? That is what I am saying. From this experience, I see it as a revelation!! You have a clearer understanding of who you are and what you want to do with your life! Isn’t that an amazing discovery?! I think so!

Now, another example I can think of is the fact if you are trying to make your life more worth it you need to decide of what you need and don’t need in your life. You aren’t going to keep people or environments in your life if it doesn’t help you become a better version of you. A great example is friendships. Friendships are a huge thing in the younger generations. Many want to be friends with their best friend forever. What they forget is FOREVER is a LONG time. What makes you think you will be the same person 10, 20, or even 30 years from now? It is the same thing for your friends… they might change in the opposite direction then you are going. As you get older and mature you might have to “give up” on some of your friends. Your friends could be bringing negative influences to you and your life. Why keep them in your life if they don’t care about you and your safety? It doesn’t matter if you been friends with them since Kindergarten.. maybe that is telling you that you need a better dynamic of friends. New friends can bring a fresh perspective to your life that can open your mind to things you would never have thought about before.

“Giving up” isn’t a bad thing. Why is it keep being looked at like it is? It goes with anything. There are positive things and negatives about anything you might come across in life. That is why there is so much discussion and debates going on. You aren’t a bad person or negative person if you make a decision in your life that makes it better for you. You are the only one that knows you the best. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should or should not do. If you need to “give up” a friend, because they have the same mannerisms as they did in high school when you are in your 30’s, do that. ( I did that, and I am not ashamed by my choice.) If you need to “give up” a dream that your parents pushed on you, do it. You should accomplish the dream you want to do, because it is what you want to do.

I am not going to lie to you guys, it is a lot easier said than done. When you actually do “give up” those obstacles it will be the better for you. A lot of times you will feel lonely or misunderstood. Believe me I feel like that from time to time. I “gave up” on a lot of negative things in my life, and my life is a lot calmer. I have less drama to deal with, and I think that is a positive thing. The sooner you “give up” on the things that bring you down, the faster and longer your life will be for the better.


Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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