Is it Vain…. or….. Is it Art?

It has been a while my Beauties!

I didn’t realize it was a little more than a week since I wrote my last Blog! I actually feel like I wrote my last Blog yesterday! Well, I am making it up right now!

When it came to having my picture taken from my mom, grandmother, or whoever when I was a child I adored it. I pulled off being goofy so much, smiling cute, or even pouting when I didn’t get my way with something. No matter the event I liked being in the center of attention. There were times where I was like, “No, I don’t like my picture taken,” I would hear my mom then responding, “Yes, you do. You like being in the center of attention.” We all know that what mom said was true! (Haha.) I would mainly wear the cutest outfits, because at the time I could actually fit them, and those pictures would be a full on picture wearing my cute sundresses or wearing the skorts I absolutely adored.

I had body issues in middle school, because I grew in the worst possible areas. When people took pictures of me, and my whole body showed I would cringe at myself and my body type. So I got more sensitive of people taking my picture. I instead took those pictures in my own hands. I was gifted my first digital camera, and I started taking my own pictures. (At that time they weren’t considered selfies. “Selfie” wasn’t even existence.) Since it was me taking my own pictures I was only able to take pictures from my head to chest. When taking these pictures I was starting to learn something… I was learning about the Art of my top half of my body and worked with that. I learned what angles worked best for me… (No, I didn’t LEARN from Tyra Banks. lol Even though that would have been awesome!) Once I learned the angles I learned how I can add things to a picture to make my pictures stand out. I moved to different environments:: Inside the house vs. Outside the house, I wore different clothing that would be appealing to the picture, (Of course the certain outfits I wore in the pictures I didn’t wear in public.) I even played with items that were around me like tree branches, necklaces that I wore, and even playing with snow!! Around that same time I would experiment with my make- up. I would overdo make-up to create a story.

What made taking pictures of myself so easy and fun was the fact that I had such expressive eyes! I have these deep green hazel eyes! I heard that my eyes change color depending on the environment I was in! My eyes were so piercing! I was looking at the Art/Creativity of how simple little things can say a lot. I feel like the many “selfies” I took over the years can paint a picture in anybody’s head, and that is why I was so obsessed with taking pictures. Even to this day I really enjoy watching and re-watching reruns of ANTM. They take many photo shoots to different levels. They would have big hair, extensive make-up, crazy outfits, and you can say so much about the finished product. I mean they even had a photo shoot where they would have paint sprayed or dripping on their face and they had to make it high fashion. They had to make those pictures come alive and real. I know I can’t have those kinds props in my every day life, but I make it work the best way I know how with what I have. I am no model, and don’t have a dream to be one, but I have a dream to make Art and be creative with things that people don’t see the creativity. There is more to being creative then writing stories or scrap booking.

Now, with all this being said it makes me self-conscious when people don’t see the direction I am going through with my Art, and because they don’t understand they call me “vain.” I don’t see taking pictures of myself for Art purposes a cause for being “vain.” How is it “vain?” After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right?

Here is a few examples of my “Selfie Art” : (Hopefully you can see what I see.) 

Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil

















Most recent “Selfie Art”::





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