My Writing Rating

Hello there Beauties,

It always seems like every time I come on here and write a post it is always me saying, “Oh! I am sorry I haven’t been on here for a LONG time!” or “I have been so busy…” Yada Yada Yada. I really need to change that. Believe it or not I have been thinking of posting Blogs on here on a more constant basis, Honestly, I just don’t know what to say. I have the idea though to review different things like books, movies, make-up, music.

I actually have some reviews written about some stuff within the past year or so. I know for a fact that to support and celebrate the end of Britney Spears’ Conservatorship I went over each of the main albums she released.

I was a moderate fan of Britney’s music.. meaning that I liked some of her songs, but I didn’t follow her closely. It wasn’t because I didn’t like her as a person or an artist it was more like I was trying to find what kind of music I liked. I was more into soundtracks from movies and country music. I can write up the reviews later, because the point of this Blog was to review myself.


:The Process Of Writing: Scale 1-10  (Rating 5)

When it comes to actually writing my writing projects I am about average. I will spend a long time on it each moment I can, but that long time invested means so much. When I look at the writing the amount of writing that is written isn’t nearly enough that should be done. I don’t know if it is because I can’t type fast or the fact that I expect too much of myself to finish projects in a timely manner.

:Procrastination: Scale 1-10 (Rating 7)

My procrastination is pretty high I would say. I am like any person when it comes to procrastinating, but I extend it too far. I like being distracted by simple games or just watching movies because it is an easy activity to do when I am stuck. These moments of procrastination tend to last longer than actually spending the time to write. A lot of times I have been so sucked in with not doing my writing projects that it takes me a long time to get out as well. I have gotten better at getting myself out of the funk of it, but it isn’t always so successful.

:Writing Style: Scale 1-10 (Rating 8)

I think my writing style is rather creative, descriptive enough, and an easy enough read. I have seen many different writing styles in my time, and I am proud of my writing style. I know its not perfect by a longshot. I know I can do more showing than telling in my writing, which is a weakness. Altogether though I really enjoy my writing, because in the simplest format and it shows a lot of passion through the words.

:Organization Of Writing: Scale 1-10 (Rating 6.5)

The organization of my writing is pretty good. It isn’t the best method, but good enough for me to handle. I have a tendency of writing my projects on multiple things like scraps of paper, different journals, and even notes on my phone. When I put these certain ideas on paper in a certain place I forget where I put it, and grew frustrated. After a while in not finding the papers I give up the project altogether, and move on.

:Project Ideas: Scale 1-10 (Rating 5.5)

When it comes to getting ideas for writing projects it is a difficult process. I mean I get a lot of ideas on what to write about, but what I work with is the ideas that leave an impression. Once its an idea that I think about and is thought about in my every day life I know that my heart and soul will go in it, and it will mean the world to me. I tend to lose interest in writing projects if my heart and soul aren’t in them. To be quite honest, those heart and soul ideas are very rare to approach in my mind.

Writing Structure: Scale 1-10 (Rating 7)

I think the structure of my writing can be better. it actually takes a while for me to have a half way decent structure. When I first write it is always full of fragmented sentences, and at times a lot of rambling on and on. There have been many times where I would write and come back to my writing and how its structure is un-usable, and I would have to restart the work that was written. Though there are also many times when I come back to something I wrote and I enhanced the structure for it to look 10x better than it was before.


Mean: 6.5

Median: 6.75

Mode: 7

Range: 3

As it is expressed up above my consistency with my writing can be a lot better. I guess I am going to have to try harder.


Until the next rating piece I have…. Maybe the Britney piece I was talking about will come up.. Who knows??


Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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