The Love Of Snow

My beauties!

Today I guess was considered a culture shock for a lot of people. Even though there was a warning that the snow will come.  I mean it’s a culture shock, because it is snowing rather early than most years. I will agree to that, but I can’t help feel like I am the odd man (well woman) out.

People were looking outside and thought, “It is too early to snow!” or “Oh, its beautiful weather!” With a sarcastic tone. Normally in those situations (especially at work) I just nod my head and agree with them. Deep down I am thinking to myself how beautiful it is outside. How the snowflakes fall down so gently, and how it changes the world into a pure blanket of a massive Wonderland. If anyone knows me really well they will know that I am not a big fan of change. Believe me! I am a big fan of routine, because with my disorder I need a sense of routine. I feel like things go right and I can focus when I know what to expect.

Although, the only change I know for a fact that I can handle is the gift of snow. I love snow so much! It makes the world look so beautiful. I know what it is, but when it snows like it did today I can’t help but smile from ear to ear. I also notice that it gets so quiet. It gives you that time where you think over things, and possibly make changes to decisions that were done. I tend to think about the bad choices made, and think to myself how I can make it better. I notice when it snows like this I am able to focus on my writing and I can really add a lot of ideas I never thought were possible. It might sound ludicrous, but I think the snow helps me be a better writer, and I am so thankful for that.

It just drives me crazy when people complain about the snow like its the worst thing in the world! I mean you can grab a blanket, some hot chocolate, and look at how the little snowflakes help change the world in front of your eyes! Some of us need dramatic change like snow to start over a new leaf. Then again it is the same when Spring and Summer come along. When that time comes around everyone is talking about how hot it is, and everything. Which a lot of people shouldn’t complain about that. A lot of people have an air conditioner than cool them down in the most brutal Summers. Me on the other hand, I have to rely on the use of fans that are 5 years old or even older. I make it work without complaining about it.

I think it can help our case as humans to not complain about things. Complaining about the weather isn’t going to change in the way we want. Nothing is perfect… So weather isn’t any different. Just live with it, and take what you can get. Things aren’t going to be the way we want them to be all the time. Especially when you live in Wisconsin. In Wisconsin you go through all 4 seasons within one week. Seriously speaking.

Now with this snow situation I found myself saying over and over and over again to my customers… “Well, look at it this way. It is better if we get all this snow now instead of next year in March when we are suppose to be getting ready for Spring.” They then look at me, nod their head, and say, “True. Very true.” Quite honestly before all this Global Warming we use to get the snow in the right time. It usually starts in November a little, and majority of it in December, then it fades during January. So I am looking at as we got the snow in the right amount of time. If I understand correctly from this snow that came today it will all melt and have a dusting here and there, and a small blanket of it on Christmas… then get our snowstorms in February/ March. Now,…. if that isn’t the case, and it snows as often as its suppose snow I am going to be very SHOCKED. I will also think that the world is ending, because usually when something is too good to be true it usually is. I will then think that someone opened another Hell Mouth and we are going to have to call Buffy Summers to help us yet again with this tragedy. (Haha)

Until next time!

Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil

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