The Negative

Happy Holidays, Beauties!

There is a topic that I would like to discuss in a post. This topic shouldn’t be talked about during this holiday time, but when is there a better time? I actually have been thinking about this topic for a while. I just didn’t want to mention it because people tend to be a little more sensitive nowadays than prior. Honestly, I think I need to write this topic out to help toughen out people a little more. I am going to compose this post in the best way of explaining as I can without causing problems.

The topic I am have been thinking about is bullying/ negative moments from people. It isn’t always easy staying away from negative things. Everywhere you look, and everything you hear there is something negative being portrayed to the world.

Recently, a K-Pop star from f(x) [Sulli] committed suicide from cyber bullying. Which was a shame for me. As a fan of f(x) it was really upsetting to see a young 25 year old end it so quickly from the attacks she got online. It has been going on for years and years and nothing was done about it. I know from reading the articles that were written was that she wanted help for these nasty comments written to and about her. The comments were never ending.

After she passed on more articles were written based on more negative comments. They were saying that she decided to be a celebrity so therefore it was her own fault for taking the comments to heart. Which I am upset that these individuals would say something like that. The first and foremost thing to remember about people is that we all have feelings. Whether or not we are talking about a celebrity it doesn’t matter. She was a human being, and had hurt feelings. I bet these individuals would want something to be done instantly if they were in her position. If anything it is a lot harder to deal with the public when you are a celebrity than someone that is first starting out.

Let’s be real about this.. everything in today’s time is about social media, and getting liked by everyone. Sure there are going to people that don’t like you or what you do, and comments will be written. It is one thing if it is a comment here and there, but there is a fine line when people go over board with the opinions. Sometimes the negative comments are written to the extent where it can be way too much. Being a celebrity has nothing to why she was attacked online. I have seen just regular people being attacked for how they look or talk.

It is one thing when it is a never ending flood of negative comments and having one person saying something that is based on nothing too major and accuse it on “cyber bullying.” There are comments I have received that were so hardcore, and I managed through having the comments written to me. Simply having someone say, “I hate___________,” one time, and having a simple statement it isn’t that big of deal. Yes, it is mean and uncalled for to have someone to spend the time to send that, but with that one comment it can be overlooked by all the positive things and comments you have going on. Now, if this person is sending it over and over with nasty pictures and wish harm that is considered harassment. With that harassment it is obvious that it is bullying.

I would like to mention that yes, it is difficult living in a world with so much hatred, and social media doesn’t help to make the situation better. This is one reason why I decided to be very limited with social media. I don’t have anymore online profiles. I know as well as I am sitting here that just because you have an online profile it doesn’t mean the people behind the screen actually care about you and want the best for you. They will type one thing, but feel another. The only way I know people care about me by seeing me face to face and spend alone time with me, and get to know me as a person. I don’t need social media to get “likes.” I have been hated by so much. Fake “likes” on the internet mean NOTHING to me.

So therefore what I need to say to everyone is that we should learn how to handle both kinds of comments. In order for the world to go around positive and negative things need to happen so we can grow. It is wrong for people to say bad things to each other, but it happens whether we like it or not. How is the situation going to handled if you never hear negative comments? Generally speaking you will get so offended by it, and state that you are being bullied. What needs to be understood is that not everyone is going to like you, not everyone is going to say nice things about you, so you will have to learn how to get through it. (How do you think Taylor Swift handles it?) 

Believe me I don’t like everyone I meet. I state very bluntly if I don’t like you. I don’t say it to be mean. I state it so you know where I come from. I am all about honesty. With me, I don’t have the talent to sugar coat things. I try to say what I have to say in a nice way, but it always comes out wrong. I am working on that problem, but there are times when I think, “Why should I? They need to learn how they are going to deal with my feelings.” I am all about my feelings. I don’t like to act fake in front of people. I have gone down that fake road before, and I didn’t like the person I have become. I made sure that I was real with myself. If I was going to be real with myself, I am going to be real with everyone else.

Tell me what you think..

Peace Out!

Sandra M. Dorazil


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